How to Remove Decals from Camper
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How to Remove Decals from Camper

How to Remove Decals from Camper

If you own a camper, you may find yourself wanting to remove decals at some point. Whether they are cracked, faded, or simply unattractive, removing decals can give your camper a fresh and updated look. In this article, we will discuss the techniques and tips for removing decals from your camper, ensuring a smooth and successful removal process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Decals on campers can become cracked, faded, or unattractive over time.

  • The process of removing decals involves using heat to loosen the adhesive and gently peeling them off.

  • Tools needed for RV decal removal include a heat gun, plastic putty knife, adhesive remover, and rags.

  • Patience is key during the decal removal process, as it can be time-consuming.

  • A decal removal wheel can be used as a last resort option if the decals are stubborn.

Reasons to Remove RV Decals Yourself

There are several compelling reasons why you should consider removing RV decals yourself. Whether the decals are cracked, faded, or simply unattractive, taking matters into your own hands can transform the appearance of your RV. Let's explore the main reasons why RV owners opt for DIY decal removal:

  1. Cracked and Chipping Decals: Over time, decals on RVs can become cracked and chipped, giving your vehicle an older and worn-out look. By removing these damaged decals, you can refresh the exterior of your RV and give it a sleek, polished appearance.

  2. Faded Decals: Exposure to the sun and harsh weather conditions can cause RV decals to fade over time. Faded decals not only diminish the visual appeal of your RV but also make it appear older than it actually is. By removing these worn-out decals, you can restore the vibrant colors and breathe new life into your RV's exterior.

  3. Unattractive Decals: Sometimes, RVs come pre-decorated with decals that may not align with your personal taste or style preferences. These decals can be visually unappealing and may not properly reflect your personality. By removing these unattractive decals, you can create a customized look that perfectly suits your aesthetic vision.

By understanding these reasons, you can make an informed decision to remove RV decals yourself and enjoy a fresh, modern, and personalized exterior for your RV.

Reasons to Remove RV Decals Yourself

Cracked and Chipping Decals

Faded Decals

Unattractive Decals

Tools Needed for RV Decal Removal

When it comes to removing decals from your RV, having the right tools can make the process much easier and more efficient. Here are the essential tools you'll need to successfully remove RV decals:

Heat Gun or Hair Dryer

A heat gun or hair dryer is a crucial tool for RV decal removal as it helps to soften the adhesive holding the decals in place. The heat emitted from these tools effectively loosens the decals, making them easier to peel off.

Plastic Putty Knife

A plastic putty knife is a gentle yet effective tool for peeling off decals from your RV. It helps to lift the edges of the decals without causing damage to the surface underneath. When using a plastic putty knife, remember to apply gentle pressure to avoid scratching the RV.

Adhesive Remover

An adhesive remover such as Goo Gone or WD-40 is essential for getting rid of any leftover adhesive residue. After peeling off the decals, apply the adhesive remover to a clean rag or paper towel and gently rub the affected area until the residue is fully dissolved.

Rags or Paper Towels

Rags or paper towels are indispensable for cleaning the surface of your RV during the decal removal process. They help to remove any dirt, debris, or adhesive residue, leaving your RV clean and ready for its fresh new look.

With these tools in your arsenal, you'll be equipped to tackle your RV decal removal project with confidence and efficiency.

Table: Essential Tools for RV Decal Removal



Heat Gun or Hair Dryer

Emits heat to soften the adhesive holding the decals in place

Plastic Putty Knife

Gently peels off decals without causing damage to the surface

Adhesive Remover

Dissolves any leftover adhesive residue

Rags or Paper Towels

Cleans the surface of the RV during the decal removal process

RV Decal Removal Technique

To effectively remove decals from your camper, it is important to follow a proper technique that ensures a safe and efficient process. The decal removal technique involves the following steps:

  1. Heat up the decal glue: Use a heat gun or hair dryer to apply heat to the decal. This will soften the adhesive and make it easier to peel off.

  2. Peel the decal off: Once the decal glue has been heated, gently peel off the decal starting from one corner. Make sure to pull slowly and steadily to avoid tearing or damaging the decal or the surface underneath.

  3. Remove leftover adhesive: After removing the decal, there may be some adhesive residue left on the surface. Use an adhesive remover, such as Goo Gone or WD-40, to effectively remove any leftover adhesive. Apply the adhesive remover to a rag or paper towel and gently scrub the residue until it is completely gone.

  4. Address leftover oxidation: In some cases, there may be leftover oxidation on the surface once the decal has been removed. To address this, you can use a metal polish or oxidation remover specifically designed for the material of your camper. Follow the instructions on the product and carefully remove any oxidation to restore the surface to its original condition.

By following this decal removal technique, you can effectively remove decals from your camper and achieve a clean and refreshed appearance. Remember to exercise caution during the process to avoid any damage to the surface or the underlying paint.

RV Decal Removal Tips

When it comes to removing decals from your RV, it's essential to follow some helpful tips that can make the process easier and more efficient. Here are a few decal removal tips to keep in mind:

  1. Have Patience: Removing decals from your camper can be a time-consuming task. It's important to have patience and take your time to ensure that you remove the decals properly without damaging the surface.

  2. Use a Safe Ladder: RVs come in different heights, and reaching all areas of the decal can be challenging. To ensure safety and accessibility, use a stable and secure ladder to reach higher parts of your RV.

  3. Take Breaks: Removing large decals or working on your RV for an extended period can be physically demanding. Remember to take breaks to rest your muscles and avoid fatigue. This will help maintain your focus and prevent accidents due to exhaustion.

By following these decal removal tips, you can streamline the process and achieve the desired results without unnecessary stress or difficulties. Remember, patience is key when it comes to decal removal, so take your time and work systematically to ensure a successful outcome.

RV Decal Still Won't Come Off? Last Resort Option!

If the decals on your RV are proving to be stubborn and refusing to come off using the previous techniques, there is a last resort option that you can try - a decal removal wheel. But before proceeding, it's important to exercise caution as these wheels are primarily designed for smaller stickers and may cause damage to your RV's fiberglass or gel coat surfaces.

Removing 27-yr Old Decals

When it comes to removing old, sun-baked decals from an aluminum-bodied RV, caution and the right tools are crucial. The longevity of these decals can make them particularly challenging to remove. To effectively tackle this task, RV owners will need either a hairdryer or a heat gun to loosen the adhesive without causing damage to the RV's surface or scorching the paint.

It's important to note that the heat must be applied carefully and in moderation to avoid any potential harm. Here are the step-by-step instructions for removing 27-year-old decals from an aluminum-bodied RV:

  1. Begin by selecting a suitable heat source, either a hairdryer or a heat gun.

  2. Plug in the chosen heat source and set it to a low or medium heat setting.

  3. Hold the heat source approximately 6-8 inches away from the first decal, directing the airflow over its surface.

  4. Move the heat source back and forth across the decal in a sweeping motion, gradually increasing the heat if necessary.

  5. After a few minutes, test the corners of the decal with a plastic putty knife or your fingernail to check if the adhesive is softening.

  6. If the adhesive is sufficiently softened, begin peeling off the decal slowly, using the plastic putty knife or your fingers to lift the edges.

  7. Continue applying heat as needed while peeling off the decal, taking caution not to use excessive force that could damage the RV's surface.

  8. Once the decal is removed, inspect the area for any leftover adhesive residue.

  9. Apply an adhesive remover, such as Goo Gone or WD-40, to a clean cloth or paper towel.

  10. Gently rub the adhesive remover onto the remaining adhesive to dissolve and remove it.

  11. Repeat this process as necessary until all adhesive residue is gone.

By following these steps, RV owners can successfully remove decades-old decals from their aluminum-bodied campers, rejuvenating the appearance of their beloved vehicles.

Tools needed for removing 27-yr old decals:

1. Hairdryer or heat gun

2. Plastic putty knife

3. Adhesive remover (Goo Gone or WD-40)

4. Clean cloth or paper towels

Decal Removal Wheel as a Solution

When it comes to removing decals from your RV, using a decal removal wheel can be an effective solution. This specialized tool provides mechanical assistance in lifting off the decal, making the process easier and more efficient. While there are other options available, such as a professional heat gun, a hairdryer, or an adhesive removal spray can, the decal removal wheel offers the advantage of precision and control.

The decal removal wheel is designed to gently scrape away the decal without damaging the RV's surface. It features a rotating wheel with a textured surface that effectively grips the adhesive and lifts the decal off. This method minimizes the risk of scratching or scraping the paint, ensuring a smooth and professional finish.

Using the decal removal wheel is simple. Start by applying gentle pressure to the wheel and slowly move it back and forth across the decal. The textured surface will gradually loosen the adhesive, allowing the decal to peel away easily. Remember to work in small sections and be patient throughout the process.

Once the decal has been removed, you may notice some adhesive residue left behind. To tackle this, you can use an adhesive remover, such as Goo Gone or WD-40. Apply the remover to a clean cloth and gently rub it over the residue. This will help dissolve the adhesive and make it easier to remove.

It is important to take precautions while using the decal removal wheel. Always read the manufacturer's instructions and wear protective gloves to avoid any potential injuries. Additionally, test the wheel on a small inconspicuous area of your RV before proceeding to ensure compatibility with the surface.

Removing decals from your RV can be a rewarding DIY project. By using a decal removal wheel, you can simplify the process and achieve professional-looking results. Just remember to exercise caution, use the appropriate tools, and take your time to remove any leftover adhesive residue.



Efficient and effective

May not be suitable for all types of decals

Minimizes the risk of surface damage

Potential for injury if not used correctly

Provides precision and control

May require the purchase of additional tools or products


Removing decals from a camper can be a time-consuming process that requires patience and the right tools. However, with the proper techniques and the use of heat to loosen the adhesive, RV owners can successfully remove decals from their campers and give them a refreshed and updated look.

Throughout the decal removal process, it is important to have patience. Taking the time to properly heat the decals, peel them off slowly, and remove any leftover adhesive residue will ensure a clean and professional result.

Using a heat gun or hair dryer to warm up the decal glue before peeling it off is a key technique. It is also essential to have the right tools on hand, such as a plastic putty knife for peeling off the decals and an adhesive remover to get rid of any stubborn residue. Taking breaks during the process and using a safe ladder to reach all areas of the decal are additional tips to keep in mind.

In some cases, if the decals are particularly stubborn, using a decal removal wheel or seeking professional assistance may be necessary. However, caution should be exercised to avoid any damage to the RV's surface.


How do I remove decals from my camper?

To remove decals from your camper, you can use heat to loosen the adhesive, gently peel off the decal, and then remove any leftover adhesive residue.

What are the reasons to remove RV decals yourself?

The main reasons for removing RV decals yourself are that the decals may be cracked, faded, or simply unattractive, which can make your camper look worn out or outdated.

What tools do I need for RV decal removal?

The tools needed for RV decal removal include a heat gun or hair dryer to heat up the decals, a plastic putty knife for peeling off the decals if necessary, an adhesive remover like Goo Gone or WD-40, and rags or paper towels for cleaning.

What is the technique for removing decals from an RV?

The technique for removing decals from an RV involves using heat to warm up the decal glue, slowly peeling off the decal, using an adhesive remover to remove any leftover adhesive, and addressing any remaining oxidation on the surface.

Any tips for RV decal removal?

Some tips for RV decal removal include having patience, using a safe ladder to reach all areas of the decal, and taking breaks when dealing with large decals or extended periods of work.

What should I do if the RV decal won't come off?

If the RV decal won't come off using the previous techniques, a last resort option is using a decal removal wheel. However, caution should be exercised as these wheels are designed for smaller stickers and may cause damage to the RV's fiberglass or gel coat surfaces.

How do I remove 27-year old decals from my RV?

To remove 27-year old decals from an aluminum-bodied RV, you can use a hairdryer or heat gun. It is important to be cautious with the heat to avoid scorching the paint or damaging the RV's surface.

Can a decal removal wheel be used to remove decals?

Yes, a decal removal wheel can be an effective solution for removing decals as it provides mechanical assistance in lifting off the decal. Other options such as a professional heat gun, hairdryer, or adhesive removal spray can also be used, depending on the situation.

What is the conclusion for RV decal removal?

By following the proper techniques and using heat to loosen the adhesive, RV owners can successfully remove decals from their campers and give them a refreshed and updated look.

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